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Change the sentences from indirect speech to direct speech
3 She said she had taught online the day before.

4 She said the lesson had already started when he arrived.

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There was a table in the room.-был стол в комнате . there was a plant next to the window.-было растение рядом с окном . there was a girl in the room.-была девочка в комнате . there was a tv on the wall.-был телевизор на стене . there was a man in the street.-там был человек, на улице. there was a phone in the bag.-был телефон в сумке . there was a book on the table.-была книга на столе. there was a pen in my hand.-было перо в руке. there was a house near a shop.-был дом рядом с магазином . there was a bag on the floor.-был мешок на полу .   there were some people in the street.-были некоторые люди на улице . there were some tomatoes in the fridge.-были некоторые помидоры в холодильнике . there were two pencils in my bag.-было два карандаши в моей сумке there were some mistakes in the text.-были некоторые ошибки в тексте . there were some pupils in the library.-были некоторые ученики в библиотеке . there were some pictures on the wall.-были некоторые фотографии на стене . there were three windows in the room.-было три окна в комнате . there were some chairs in the room.-были некоторые стулья в комнате . there were some books on the floor,- были некоторые книги по полу ,there were many sweets in my hand.- было много сладостей в моей руке

Популярно: Английский язык