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Variant I.

Task I. Выберите нужную форму глагола: Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. I ___ my best friend for ten years.
A have known B knew C has known
2. Somebody ___ our car last Sunday.
A stole B has stolen C have stolen
3. I don’t want to go to the cinema. I ___ this film.
A has already seen B have already seen C already saw
4. Michael ___ to play the piano last year.
A has learnt B have learnt C learned
5. My parents ___ to Germany in 2005.
A went B has gone C have gone

Task II. Выберите нужную форму возвратного местоимения: (myself, itself, herself, himself, ourselves, yourself, themselves)
1. The girl decorated the room .
2. The winner looked very proud of .
3. The cat is washing .
4. The children enjoyed when they visited Disneyland.
5. If you don’t behave , I shall put you all to bed early.

Task III. Выберите нужную форму предлога: for / since
1. I haven't slept … 48 hours.
2. Sarah has been waiting for her sister … a long time.
3. They haven't visited us … Christmas.
4. She has been in hospital … Monday.
5. They have been playing football … an hour and a half.

Task IV. Выберите соответствующий вариант в косвенной речи.
1. «I think the film was a great success» — said Peter. 
Peter said that … . 
a) he thinks the film was a great success 
b) he thought the film was a great success 
c) he thought the film had been a great success 
d) I thought the film had been a great success 
2. «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me.
Tom said that … come to the meeting. 
a) I will 
b) I would 
c) he will 
d) he would 
3. He said: «I can speak English very well». 
He said that he … English very well. 
a) can speak 
b) could speak 
c) will speak 
d) may speak 
4. She said: «I have been waiting for you since five o`clock.» 
She said that she … for me since five o`clock. 
a) have been waiting 
b) had been waiting 
c) has been waiting 
d) was waiting 
5. «Do you often play tennis?» — he asked me. 
He asked me … tennis. 
a) I often play 
b) if I often played 
c) if he often plays 
d) if you often played 

V. Переведите на русский язык:
Badminton, judo, golf, water polo, boxing, baseball, volleyball, cycling, ice hockey, rugby.

VI. Составьте и напишите ситуацию с данными словосочетаниями. Используйте все слова:
Medicine, to catch a cold, sneeze, cough, prescription.

Variant II.

Task I. Выберите нужную форму глагола: Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. Columbus ___ America in the 15th century.
A has discovered B have discovered C discovered
2. I ___ a letter. Can you post it?
A has just written B have just written C just wrote
3. Sandra ___ her bike yesterday.
A fell off B have fallen off C has fallen off
4. Andy ___ to Japan twice.
A was B has been C have been
5. He ___ a good education in London three years ago.
A have received B has received C received

Task II. Выберите нужную форму возвратного местоимения: (myself, itself, herself, himself, ourselves, yourself, themselves)
1. We painted the room .
2. I can do it .
3. How is she feeling ?
4. I can`t tell you what to do, you must decide for .
5. The day was hot and the girls decided to bathe in the river.

Task III. Выберите нужную форму предлога: for / since
1. Jane has worked here … two weeks already.
2. These cherry trees have bloomed every spring … 1980.
3 Joe and Josephine have been going out together … Valentine's Day.
4. Has he been watching TV … morning?
5. They have been talking … an hour.

Task IV. Выберите соответствующий вариант в косвенной речи.
1. «I think the film was a great success» — said Ann. 
Ann said that … . 
a) he thinks the film was a great success 
b) he thought the film was a great success 
c) he thought the film had been a great success 
d) I thought the film had been a great success 
2. «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me.
Tom said that … come to the meeting. 
a) I will 
b) I would 
c) he will 
d) he would 
3. He said: «I can speak Spanish very well». 
He said that he … Spanish very well. 
a) can speak 
b) could speak 
c) will speak 
d) may speak 
4. «Do you often play football? » — he asked me. 
He asked me … football. 
a) I often play 
b) if I often played 
c) if he often plays 
d) if you often played 
5. «Will you go with the others, Tonny? » asked Mr. Kelly. 
Mr. Kelly asked … with the others. 
a) if Tonny went 
b) that Tonny goes 
c) if Tonny would go 
d) if Tonny will go 

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Ответы на вопрос:

Д-jhon р-peter д: доброе утро, питер. р: . как дела? д: хорошо, . р: как насчёт сходить на стадион завтра? у меня есть два билета. д: кто играет? р: рейнджеры и черные ястребы д: я люблю их. огромное. р: я уверен, что игра будет интересной! ты слышал, что у рейнджеров новый вратарь? д: да. тренер полон энтузиазма по отношению к нему. когда начинается игра(матч)? р: в пять. там должна быть толпа людей. не опаздывай. д: хорошо, . пока. р: пока

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