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Вставьте в пропущенные места слова, выбрав их из слов, написанных в скобках.  
For many people, going (1 On/At/By) train is the most exciting way to travel. You don’t have to wait (2 For/In/At) hours at the airport with thousands                          (3 And/From/Of) other passengers. You just go (4 At/To/In) station a few minutes before the train (5 Will leave/Left/Leaves) , buy a ticket, get on train and the journey begins.

     You can look at things (6 By/Through/Inside) the windows, have a sleep, read a book or go for a walk up and down the train. There is usually someone interesting to talk (7 For/At/To) and when you get hungry, you can eat your picnic. If you didn’t bring (8 A/Some/The) picnic with you, there’s often a restaurant or a small cafe on the train where you can buy (9 A/Any/Some) food and a drink

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В садакаскаре


мне нужно очень много лайк

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