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7.Task 2 Writing. Choose one of the fashion statements and express your own opinion on it in written form giving the examples agreeing or disagreeing to the statement. (70 words)
Fashion statements:
- You can judge a person`s personality by their clothes.
- Clothes are more important for women than for men.
- Young people are more fashionable than their parents.
- What you wear says a lot about your personality.
- Comfort is the most important thing when choosing new clothes or shoes.
- It is important to me to look different to my friends.
- Second hand clothes can be cool.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ядумаю, тебе стоит выбрать итальянский или испанский, потому что эти языки красивые. я изучаю только один язык. в нашей школе есть только и языки. вне школы я беру уроки . я не планирую брать курсы еще каких-либо языков, потому что единственный язык, который мне нравится - i think you should choose the italian or spanish, because those languages ​​are beautiful. i learn only one language. in our school there are only english and russian languages. outside of school i take english lessons. i do not plan to take further courses of any language, because english is the only language that i like.

Популярно: Английский язык