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In this picture we can see a man playing the saxophone in the park. This is a middle-aged man. He wears simple clothes. There is a big bag in front of him where passers-by throw coins.

This man is not looking at the person taking the picture, he is taken up with playing some wonderful melody. He creates an impression of a talented musician. Even though we do not hear the saxophone, we can easily imagine this man’s slow movements in time with the music.

In the background of the picture there is a park. This place is tranquil and relaxed. It is an early spring. It is a bit cool but bright and clear. There are some benches where people can rest while enjoying fresh air in the park.

There are some street lamps which light up the park at dusk. We can also see some monuments among the trees. I think that this park is located within the city boundaries. It is like an island of peace where one can hide from the hustle and bustle of a big city.

This picture is so simple but at the same time so profound. Sometimes we don’t realize that true happiness lies behind ordinary things. This picture is full of life, real life, the life that we do not notice dealing with our everyday problems.

This poor man does not disgust us. On the contrary, we are filled with a sense of deep respect towards this person. This park doesn’t look like a piece of greenery in the centre of a big city, but a whole different world where one can reflect and contemplate.

This picture shows us how easy it is to fill our life with harmony – light breeze, smell of spring in the air, city noise behind one’s back and shiny saxophone...


На этой фотографии мы видим человека, играющего на саксофоне в парке. Это мужчина средних лет. Он одет в простую одежду. Перед ним лежит большая сумка, куда прохожие кидают монеты.

Этот мужчина не смотрит на человека, который его фотографирует, он увлеченно исполняет какую-то чудесную мелодию. Он создает впечатление талантливого музыканта. Несмотря на то, что мы не слышим саксофон, мы с легкостью представляем, как этот мужчина медленно двигается в такт музыке.

На заднем фоне фотографии – парк. Это место – спокойное и умиротворенное. Ранняя весна. Немного прохладно, но светло и ясно. В парке есть несколько скамеек, где люди могут отдохнуть, наслаждаясь свежим воздухом.

Здесь есть уличные фонари, которые освещают парк в сумерки. Мы также можем увидеть памятники между деревьями. Я думаю, что этот парк находится в черте города. Он словно островок тишины, где можно спрятаться от суеты большого города.

Эта фотография такая простая, но в то же время такая глубокая. Иногда мы не осознаем, что истинное счастье кроется в простых вещах. Эта фотография полна жизни, настоящей жизни, жизни, которую мы не замечаем в повседневных проблемах.

Этот бедняк не вызывает отвращения. Наоборот, мы проникаемся чувством глубокого уважения к этому человеку. Этот парк не похож на кусочек зелени в центре большого города, а является целым другим миром, где можно размышлять и созерцать.

Эта фотография показывает нам, как легко наполнить нашу жизнь гармонией – легкий ветерок, запах весны в воздухе, шум города за спиной и блестящий саксофон…

Нужно описать на любую картинку на англиском

  the very mention of this country brings to memory the image of a proud yuri gagarin as he became the first human to journey into outer space. russians have always been the pioneers in space travel and launched the first human made satellite. extending across northern asia and eastern europe, russia is the largest country in the world by area. russians over the past several centuries have played a very important role in the development of the world’s art, science and technology, philosophy, music, politics and literature.

dmitri mendeleev  (1834 – 1907) russian chemist. formulated the periodic law and standardised the periodic table of elements which is still used today. mendeleev wrote  principles of chemistry  (1868–1870) a classic textbook for many decades.

grigori rasputin  (1869 – 1916) mystical faith healer born a peasant in the village of pokrovskoye, siberia. rasputin became very influential in the royal tsarist family. his presence was a polarising influence, with many disliking rasputin’s influence. he was killed in 1916 and credited with increasing the unpopularity of the royal family.v.lenin  (1870-1924) – born in  ulyanovsk, russia. lenin was  the leader of bolsheviks during the russian revolution in 1917. lenin became the first leader of the soviet union influencing the direction of the new communist state.joseph stalin  (1879 – 1953) leader and dictator of the soviet union from 1924 – 1953. stalin ruthlessly purged any opposition to his rule and created fear by having many in a position of power – arrested and executed. stalin turned the soviet union into a one-party state where any dissent was ruthlessly denounced. his 1930s purges weakened the russian army. but, in 1942, with the german army advancing towards moscow, he led the defence of russia.anna pavlova  (1881-1931) russian ballet dancer born in st petersburg. she was the principal dancer of the imperial russian ballet and the ballets russes of sergei diaghilev. she also set up her own touring ballet company and invented ‘the dying swan.’anna akhmatova  (1889 – 1966) modernist poet born odessa, ukraine. akhmatova’s masterpiece was the short lyrical poems of –  requiem  (1935–40) – a tragic description of stalin’s terror. despite official censorship and the execution of family members, she remained in the soviet union to be a witness to the totalitarian regime.nikita khrushchev  (1894 – 1971) successor to stalin, khrushchev ended many of the worst excesses of stalin’s oppressive policies. he led the soviet union from 1953 to 1964 during the tense years of the cold war. he cut conventional forces but built up the number of nuclear missiles. he led the soviet union during the 1962 cuban missile crisis – a stand-off between the us and soviet union, which nearly resulted in nuclear war.vladimir horowitz  (1903 – 1989) born in kiev, horowitz later moved to the us (1928). he is considered one of the greatest pianists of all time. horowitz excited audiences with his dramatic interpretations of piano masterpieces. he returned to play in the soviet union in 1986 after a long period of exile.mikhail kalashnikov  (1919 – 2013) russian general and military inventor. kalashnikov invented the kalashnikov sub-machine gun, which came into production in the late 1940s. due to its simplicity of design, it has become the world’s most prolifically produced weapon. kalashnikov expressed regret at its wide proliferation.vladimir putin  (1952 – ) putin became russian president in 2000, and has become the central figure of authority in russia. putin has moved russia away from the democratic reforms of gorbachev and closer to a one party state.garry kasparov  (1963 – ) greatest chess player of all time. kasparov became world chess champion in 1985, aged 22, a title he held until 2000. from 1986, he was ranked world no. 1 for 225 out of 228 months. since retirement in 2005, he has become a political activist, opposing president putin.maria sharapova  (1987 – ) (russia, tennis) has won all four major grand slam tournaments and olympic silver in 2012. has a high profile outside the game with her own business and modelling ventures.russians are credited with discovering and inventing the electric arc, lenz’s law, lasers and holography. it was a russian, dmitry mendeleev, who invented the periodic table which forms the foundation of modern chemistry. how can we forget the fine arts when we talk of russians? several famous composers of the 20th century like alexander scriabin, igor stravinsky, sergei prokofiev, and alfred schnittke were russians. novelists leo tolstoy and fyodor dostoyevsky are counted among the very best by critics. russians are an innovative lot; they were among the first people to introduce radio and television in their country. there have been so many awesome russians who have enriched the world in one way or the other.

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