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100 points for B Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

sightings sights

Old castles are very popular …… in Britain.

Two fishermen reported …… of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

survived existed

Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that prove the creature ever …… .

Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow …… and was still alive today?

glaring staring

Rosie couldn’t stop …… at the beautiful rainbow, as it was the first time she had ever seen one.

Why are you …… at Stewart so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

extinct mythical

People thought the Coelacanth was a(n) …… species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other …… creatures.

C Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use

● alike ● giant ● lurks ● dull ● glimpse ● mind ● human ● brain

These two paintings look so much …… that you have to look really closely to see the few differences they have.

This couldn’t be a(n) …… print; it’s far too wide and half a metre long!

Eric has a brilliant ……; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.

The strange creature disappeared before we managed to catch a …… of it.

According to (Согласно) Norwegian legend, the Kraken was a(n) …… monster that lived in the sea .

D Put the verbs into the correct past tense.

Benjamin …… (gasp) in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

Claire …… (drive) along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere a fell onto her car.

While Lisa …… (read) a book, her brother was listening to music.

Sandra …… (paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.

Alex didn’t go to the photographic exhibition because he …… (not/ finish) his homework.

The research team …… (find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

E Choose the correct item.

Our house can’t/ may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

The style of that painting must/ may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

It can’t/ may be a coincidence (совпадение), but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at he exact moment he called me?

F Choose the correct response.

A: Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.

B: a That’s a thought! b What do you think this means?

A: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn’t get back to sleep.

B: a Poor you! b That’s a relief!

A: Your dream might mean that you’ll meet someone new..

B: a That’s horrible! b You can’t be serious!

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