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READING 3 Read the article and write 5 questions. (20 marks) The most important industrial development in Britain in the рast 20 years or so has been the growth of the offshore oil and gas indus- tries, as well as the wide application of new microelectronic technologies in industry and commerce. Although expanding service in- dustries, like finance and tourism, now reр- resent about 65 percent of Britain's national output, manufacturing still plays a vital role in the economy. Britain takes a leading part in high technology industries like chemicals, aerospace and electronics where British companies are among the world's biggest and most successful.​

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1what's the difference between  our system of school education and the british one? 2 i have read that the school programmes in england may be different in different cities. is this true? 3 where can i learn more about english secondary schools? 4   it's very useful that the students in the school receive information about choosing their future profession ( career) 5 was it easy for you to choose your future profession? - yes, while studying in my last  school year i had  already found out that i was going to enter   the philological department of the  university. i would like to be fluent in several foreign languages. 6 i hear that our children will have to go to school in a school uniform. i wonder whether they will have to wear a school badge? 7 in our country, eight-year secondary education is obligatory.  8 i do my best to finish school well. 9 your success depends on hard work.1 0 the personality of the first school teacher plays an important role in the life of any student. 11 in our country, almost all schools are mixed. 12 i finished  school twenty years ago but  i would like to walk around my old school,   to see how it had changed 13 do you like maths and literature?   what  would you like to be? 14 i'm not very good at exact sciences. - neither am i. 15 the boy showed extraordinary talent for mathematics and he was sent  to   to study to mathematical school. 16 many people find the english system of tenses to be quite difficult. 17 i wonder who made up this text? 18 he is said to be the strongest student in the school. 19 she hasn't already been attending classes for two weeks. she may be sick.(she's probably sick). 20 i'll be rather a doctor, not a journalist. 21 i hate cooking but love eating some tasty food.  22 yesterday   we (were detained) stayed longer at school. we had an interesting lecture. i couldn't miss it. by the way, why were you absent? 23 wonderful opportunities to use your knowledge will open in front of you.

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