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Billy and Spot are flying in a spaceship. They are
looking for animals in space. Spot sees a planet
LookThe trees and leaves are red in this planet. I
think animals can't live here."
Spot sees another planet. It is planet Earth. The
sky is blue and the sun is yellow. The grass is
green, the flowers are red. We see animals here!
Верных ответов: 2
Spot sees a planet Earth
The trees are yellow in this planet
Billy and Spot are looking for animals in space

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he said they had forgotten to take the ball. 2. she said she would be very glad to see me. 3.  walter suggested to go to the philharmonic and said that there was a good concert there that night. robert agreed with him and he said that he hadn't been to the philharmonic for a long time.4. alex asked me if i had ever been to the national gallery. i answered i had and added that i had visited it the year before when we had been staying in london. 5.  nellie said that she had gone to see paul the day before yesterday but hehadn't been at home. nick suggested to go to see him that day. he said he thought that paul would be at home. nellie refused to go and added she couldn't gothat day because she was very busy.6.my brother said he would have finished his work and then he would go to the cinema. he suggested to go to the cinema together. i agreed with him.  7.kate suggested to go to finland for the winter holidays. andrew refused to go and toldthey had already been to finland. he suggested to go to greece and told that it would be very interesting to see the country they had read so much about. kate agreed with him.  8.the girl asked what the price of that dress was.

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