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HOME READING Kevin's holidays
Kevin was waiting for his holidays. His friend Allan. He decided to get his stamp
mother said about a big surprise for him album back.
during holidays.
But Kevin could not go out because
Summer holidays started. Now he was his mother's friend came to see them
free like a bird, free to draw, paint, play and his mother wanted him to be at
cricket and watch TV ... anything he home. Kevin decided to send Max to
wanted to do. Kevin took out his crayons get his album. Kevin gave Max Allan's
and album. He was going to draw a address, and Max left the house.
picture when suddenly the doorbell rang. Max soon came back with the album,
It was his cousin Max. "Hiii!”, cried and when Kevin looked at it he found out
Max and started jumping on Kevin's bed, that it was not his album. The stamps
breaking his crayons into parts, "I have were very expensive.
come to stay here for the holidays".
Max lost his way and went to another
Kevin was not happy to have such house by mistake. The door was open
a "surprise" on his holidays. Max was but there were no people at home. The
Kevin's pain. He was always doing things album was on the table. So Max went
wrong. So the next holidays will be the in and found an album. He took it and
worst in his life.
brought to Kevin.
The next few days were horrible for Kevin thought that it was Dick Brown's
album. Kevin called the police and told
After breakfast Kevin decided to do that he found a stamp album.
a painting. Luckily, Max was not at A week later Kevin and Max got good
home. Kevin took out all his art things prizes for finding Dick Brown's album.
and started painting a beautiful picture. "I will never be angry at Max", Kevin
When he was finishing his picture, Max thought.
entered the room with a Pepsi bottle. He "Kevin, I was jumping on the sofa and
poured Pepsi all over the painting, and I broke your glasses. Anybody can make
the picture became bad.
a mistake”, said Max.
The next day was even worse for him.
Everything was good in the morning
and in the afternoon. Something bad
happened in the evening. It all started
when Max put the dirty clothes in the
washing machine. After sometime Kevin
heard some strange sounds from the
washing machine. He went to look at it
and found that Max put his best pair of
shoes into the machine with the clothes.
One day Kevin was reading the
newspaper when he saw interesting
news. He read it aloud: "Last week
someone stole Dick Brown's stamps".
Dick Brown was famous all over the world
for his stamp collection. They were very
expensive. Some more people lost their
stamp collections too. The police were
looking for them.
People who had stamps were afraid
to lose their collections. Kevin had a
nice stamp collection and it was with his перевод нужен ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

The big stores i went into one of the big london stores today and enjoyed myself very much walking from one department  to another looking at various articles on the counters.  i thought the  shop assistants  were very helpful. there were hundreds of salesman and dozens of different departments.   i went from one department to another — from umbrella to gloves, up and down, in lifts and on escalators. i was surprised  to meet  an old friend of mine whom i hadn’t met for years. we talked a little and then did som e  shopping  together. i helped her  to buy  some  presents  for her children. i was so glad  to meet her again after twelve years and invited  her to come to our place on sunday. a kilo of  potatoes  a packet of  tea a box of  matches a tube of  toothpaste a tin of  sardines a loaf  of  bread a pound of  butter a  jar of  honey a bag of sugar a bottle of milk

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