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I'd always wanted to visit Australia and when my friend Sarah who lives in Sydney invited me to her wedding, I accepted the invitation immediately. I arrived in Sydney about a week before the wedding and spend as much time as possible taking in the sights. The Sydney Opera House was one of the highlights of my trip. I went on a guided tour of the various Theatres and I watched a musical. I also went to the Sydney Aquarium as a glass chamber in the aquarium that allows visitors to get a close. Look at some incredible sea creatures including sharks. All in all my holiday was wonderful and I really enjoyed Sarah's wedding. My only regret is that I never got to see a kangaroo. Speaker 2 When I received a letter informing me that I'd been accepted into the College of dramatic arts in New York City. I was absolutely thrilled still as excited. As I was I was also a little nervous about leaving home and moving to a new place or by myself. My first day in New York was overwhelming. It's a fast-paced city and it can be quite a challenge keeping up. It took me a few months to settle in and there were times when I felt quite homesick now, I am thoroughly enjoying my studies and I've just been chosen for the lead role in a play that's being produced at the college. Who knows maybe one day you'll see me performing in a play on Broadway now wouldn't that be something?
Speaker 3 I've been working as an archaeologist for about a year when I heard that Professor Harold Jones a world famous scientist was putting together a team of experts to help him search for a lost city in Mexico. It had always been my dream to work with Professor Jones. So I immediately handed in my resignation and booked a ticket to Mexico.

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Лонгрен - матрос на корабле под названием "орион". он прослужил на этом корабле 10 лет и был привязан к нему. он покинул службу и вернулся домой. у него умерла жена, по которой он тосковал. он был замкнутым и нелюдимым человеком. он равнодушно смотрел, как человека уносит в море и даже не попытался ему . все жители деревни осуждали его за это. их ненависть перешла на его дочь ассоль своей дочери он заменил и мать, и друзей, и сверстников. это был человек со своей душевной болью. его не надо за что-то винить.

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