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, только правильный ответ дайте))) 4 TASK Planning and asking about an expedition.
• Work in pairs and imagine you are going on
an expedition to an extreme place (North /
South Pole, Sahara Desert, Matterhorn
Mountain, Congo River, Mars, etc.).
Make notes about dates, route, transport,
weather, languages, dangers, etc. Make a list
of things to take with you.
Ask and answer Yes / No questions with
another pair. Guess where they are going.
Are you going to wear...?
Are you going to travel by...?
Are you going to speak...?​

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Ответы на вопрос:



All people in our world work for a better existence. the relation between smoking and heart desease is very commonly discussed. archaeologists found new species of animals that existed millions of years ago. the broken glass was evidence that burglary had taken place. there is a  big difference between mammals and reptiles. the extinction of different animal species is based on natural selection. mystery is defined as something having no clear understanding or explanation. the evolution of human beings never will never stop. there is a lot of different information about this exhibition. this scientist has worked in that laboratory for 20 years. the discovery channel is one of the most interesting and entertaining channels on tv. the moon disappearance behing the clouds can be scientifically explained. the importance of education nowadays is undenieable.

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