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Ответы на вопрос:

1)may friends is read a book
2)I am drink tea
3)they are make noise
4)He is look trough the window
5)she is about a house
Вот можно лучший ответ

1. i (was watch ing) tv when she (called) me. 2. he (jumped) into the river and (rescued) the drowning man. 3. i (saw) my first baseball match while i (was liv ing) in new york. 4. we (rang) the police because the neighbours (were play ing) the music very loud. 5. he (was wr iting) the whole homework during the lunch break. 6. we (were play ing) in the garden when it (started) to rain. 7. he (met) his girlfriend when he (was liv ing) in london. 8. while i (was work ing) in the hospital i (decided) to give up smoking. 9. it (was rain ing) the whole day so we (decided) to stay at home. 10. the sun (was shin ing) so we (decided) to go for a walk.

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