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.Read the text and definitions below. Find the proper word in the text and insert it into the table. Look up the words in the dictionary and check the answers. Learners should use dictionaries or digital on-line tools to check their answers.

Example: A means of conveying such as a track or a bus – Transport

1. Any netlike combination of lines
2. The extent or amount of space between two things
3 A person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it
4. A railroad, especially one operating over short distances
5. A machine that uses the energy from liquid fuel or steam to produce movement

The Railways
Many countries have a network of railways to help transport different types of products. The earliest system was in Ancient Greece in 600 BC. Later rail inks were built to connect short distances. In the 19th century, this changed very much. Many countries developed their own network. They had private links between different towns with Germany and Britain. Britain had the best links. These links allowed carrying heavy goods such as coal, iron, ore, and wood. Building a railway was a hard work for labourers. Railways are very expensive to construct but important to transport raw materials and such goods as textiles quickly and cheaply.
In the early 19th century, the first passengers travelled on the railways with horse-drawn carriages. From 1840-1850 Britain was connected by railways and used steam engine to pull carriages.

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Жили- были дед и бабка, растили они внучку. внучка была непослушной. дед и бабка перевоспитывали внученьку, чтобы та росла доброй, заботливой. спустя некоторое время, внучка изменилась : стала вежливой, заботливой, ласковой. вот и случилось, что дед и бабка перевоспитали родственницу .

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