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Test 5. The Story of Two Sisters 1. Дай відповіді на запитання. .
1. What were the sisters' names?
2. Who was hard-working?
3. Who was lazy?
4. What did Susan do?
5. What did Sally do?
6. Who came to the sisters one day?
7. What did the sisters do to help the old wo
8. How did the woman thank sisters? дайте видповиди на запитаня​

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Ответы на вопрос:

They were students last yesterday

Den was a teacher and Sandra was a secretary.

The cups were on the table five minutes ago.

The houses in this street was very old.

It were cold yesterday.

Her aunt is an actress.

The rooms are small.

I was hungry yesterday evening.

He started travelling when he was only 2 years old.

Last summer Ilya gone to the...

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