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She looked at the man he was walking on the sidewalk she did not know this man he was a stranger she did not trust this man he did not live in this neighborhood she was driving her car slowly she was almost home she
drove past the man she watched him in her rear-view mirror he stopped walking on the sidewalk he walked up
her neighbor's driveway a car was in the driveway he walked up to the driver's door he stopped then he walked
back to the sidewalk what he was doing she wondered then she realized what he was doing he was testing the
driver's door he was testing it to see if it was locked she called the police

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Live

2. Have always lived

3. Have lived

4. Have lived

5. Want

6. I have always wanted

7. Have

8. Has known

9. Knows

10. Has always known

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