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Complete the sentences with the appropriate Passive Form(Present or Past) Закончите предложения, используя Страдательный залог в наст. вр и . вр . 1.Grammar rules___(learn) by heart always
2.The “Hamlet” (write) by W. Shakespeare_
3.This scarf (make) by my granny two years ago.
4. Meetings (hold) at the weekends

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. is the planet earth a tiny part of the universe? 2. is our planet in serious danger? 3. what threatens human life on earth? 4. why are our forests disappearing? 5. what are the seas filled with? 6. air pollution is another serious problem, isn't it? 7, what can we do to make our planet a better place? 8. can we stay indifferent to environmental problems? 9. are there special organizations which try to save our planet? 10. what do these organizations do?

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