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Put the Verbs in Brackets into the Correct Tense Task 1
Dear Mum,

I feel really unhappy! I wish I 1)…(not take) this job. If only I 2)...(give) it more thought before I made the decision to come here. I wish the people here 3)... (be) more friendly! If only I 4)...(have) longer breaks. Looking at a computer screen all day is tiring and sometimes I wish it 5)... (explode) ! I wish my boss 6)...(stop) yelling at me. It’s so annoying! I wish there 7)...(be) someone here to talk to, but I haven't made any friends. If only I 8)...(make) some friends when I arrived here. I wish you 9)... (live) nearer to me! If only I…10) (can see) you more often!
Please write soon. I miss you badly!

Task 2
1.We wish our classes (be) over. 2. I wish I (have) my own car to get to my school. 3. She has failed her English test. She wishes she (learn) Grammar better last year.
4. If only you (not/tell) me these offensive words! 5. I wish we (go) to Cyprus again next summer. 6. Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday? I wish you (meet) some of my new friends. 7. Anna has lost her key. I wish she (not/be) so careless! 8. If only he (not/spend) so much money. Now he has to borrow some from his parents. 9. They are very hungry. They wish it (be) a coffee break soon. 10. The cake is very tasty but I wish I (put) more sugar into it! 11. I wish my sister (can/go) to the seaside with me. 12. If only you (make) less noise! 13. I wish I (have) the chance to study in my childhood. 14. I wish you (stop) talking at the lesson. 15. He wishes he (be) a rock star.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. english and chinese will be learnt by the students. 2. international conferences are often attended by my colleagues. 3. the house have already been sold by them. 4. a lot of wonderful houses in novosibirsk were built by architect kryachkov.

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