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. Прочтите этот очень короткий рассказ и напишите его снова. Используйте слова, места и время в квадратах. Напишите действительно интересный рассказ. Придумайте хорошее название. Начни так: Yesterday my best friend and I went to the zoo ...

Сам рассказ:
We went to the zoo.
We like animals.
We went with my parents.
We saw animals.
I liked the elephants.
We had an ice cream.
We were tired.
We went home.
It was a ... day.

Слова в квадратах :
a lot of
after four hours
very much
in Bristol
by bus
after some time

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Ответы на вопрос:

Last sunday mag got up at 9 am.she  washed her face and hands,cleaned her  teeth. then she made her bed.at half past nine mag helped her mother to lay the table. she  had breakfast with her mum, dad and sister becky. after breakfast mag  watered the flowers and  fed her pets.

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