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))) Julia is going on her first business trip. Julia’s mum is a very fussy person. She is worried about Julia too much. Julia is telling her mum about her itinerary. Think of the questions her mum is asking.
Julia: ​ I am flying to Vienna on June 28.
Mother: (Who…take…airport?)
Julia: ​Mike. I’ve already arranged it with him.
Mother: (When … arrive …Vienna?)
Julia: If nothing happens, at 8.30. I’ll phone you as soon as I come to the hotel.
Mother: (What hotel …stay?)
Julia: ‘The Ritz’. It’s a very good hotel.
Mother: (Where… have…meals?)
Julia: I’ll have breakfast at the hotel, lunch in the office and dinner at a restaurant.
Mother: (Who … have dinner?)
Julia: With the Managing Director’s secretary. He is a very nice person.
Mother: (How many people?)
Julia: Only two of us.
Mother: ( Alone?)
Julia: Mum, I’m 26 already. Don’t you think it’s high time for me to arrange my private affairs myself?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Хобби чем любишь заниматся в свободное время.2: рисовать ,играть в мяч,и тд.3: пишут стихи ,танцуют4: редкие монеты,почтовые марки:

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