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Travel is something which people do every day. It is very difficult to avoid the need to travel. It may be a trip to school, university or to work. Travelling can often take a long time, especially when great distances need to be covered. People often enjoy travelling abroad for holidays. The use of a plane is necessary for people wanting to travel very long distances. A pilot will fly a plane from an airport for many thousands of miles to take people to places far away.
A train is another mode of transport which is ideal for travelling long distances within the same country, or between countries which are connected by land. A train driver will stop at train stations on route to allow passengers wishing to proceed to the scheduled destination to board the train.
A number of destinations can be travelled to by using the sea. Some people choose to go on a cruise for their holiday, which would involve stopping at many different city ports for a short amount of time.
People who need to travel short distances may choose not to use any transport at all. People often rely on their legs to take them to places nearby.
True Folse
1. As a plane, a train is not a perfect mode for long distances travelling. 2. Going for the holiday on a cruise, would involve stopping at many different city ports.
3. Tourists will rely on their legs if they travel to places in the countryside.​

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сори нужны балы                :(


8марта-это международный женский день.его празднуют все женщины.в этот праздник все мужчины поздравляю своих девушек с этим днем и дарят им подарки.этот день приятен не только девушкам,но и мужчинам.также,маленькие девчонки,бегут поздравлять свою маму и ей.я до сих пор помню,как я в раннем детстве маме и нарисовала ей открытку.ей было приятно! эмоции девушек были веселые.кому то дарили цветы и коробку конфет,кому то любви,кому то мне нравиться этот праздник и всей моей семье! я хочу,чтобы все девушки были счастливы и были такими каждый день!

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