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НУЖЕН ОТВЕТ 1. If Steven ... (wake up) half an hour earlier, he wouldn’t have been late.
2. If I (be) you, I would study Math.
3. If I were a doctor, I (work) for the organisation Arnold.
4. If Mary had enough money, she ... (open) her own restaurant.
5. If George ... (know) her name, he would tell me.
6. If he had a car, we ... (drive) across the USA.
7. - Will you come to the cinema with me?
- I’m sorry I’m busy. If I ... (not have) so many things to do, I ... (come) with you.
8. - Dad, why didn’t you let me play with Annie yesterday?
- If you ... (finish) your homework, you ... (play) with her.
9. - Do you live in Paris?
- No, but if I ... (live), I ... (learn) to speak French fluently.
10. Of you ... (go) to the supermarket, ... (you/buy) some milk, please?
11. If you ... (not study) Math, you ... (not pass) the test tomorrow.
12. - I haven’t been feeling well today.
- If I ... (be) you, I ... (call) the doctor.

2. Make sentences as in the example.

Ex. 1. have a job/ not feel bored
If I had a job, I wouldn’t feel bored. Если бы у меня была работа, я бы не было скучно.

2. know the answers/ pass the exam

3. have a hat/ not be so hot

4. Have some help/ finish quicker

5. own a camera/ take a picture

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Ответы на вопрос:

Что это? говорит деревенская мышь. мяу-мяу. кошка! большая кошка! нам нужно бежать! сказала городская мышь. мыши убежали. деревенской мыши страшно. деревенская мышь говорит: я хочу домой. у меня нет конфет и тортов дома. у меня есть только зерно. но большой плохой кот не живёт в моём доме. приезжай ко мне а понедельник. до свидания! does the country mouse like her friend's house? why? no, it doesn't. the country mouse doesn't like her friend's house because it feels afraid in this beautiful house. life isn't safe there.

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