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, нужно поставить предложения в будущем времени ;) Complete the conversation, using the verbs given in brackets in one of the forms expressing the future. Nola: ​I'm worried about my exams next week.
Peter: Don't worry. You (not to fail). I'm sure you (to do) well. Of course, if you (not to be) too nervous.
Nola: Anyway, even if I (to pass) them, my life (to change). I still (to go on) working in the same old job for the same old boss.
Peter: I know you don't like him, but don't worry. He probably (not to stay) much longer. He's not happy here. I expect he (to leave) soon. I’ve heard he is going to work for Virgin Ailines, if he (not to change) his mind.
Nola: ​Well, let's think about something more pleasant. We (to go away) after the exam?
Peter: ​I (to tell) you a good idea. We (to spend) a few days at my aunt's cottage in Essex, where we went last summer. Remember?
Nola: ​I remember the accident you had on the way.
Peter: Oh, don't worry. I (not to have) an accident this time. And the car (not to break down), either if I (to have it serviced) at the nearest weekend.
Nola: We (to need) our sleeping bags. They're in the loft I expect they're damp and dirty. If we (to take) them like this, we (not to be able) to sleep in them.
Peter: That's all right I (to get them down) this evening, I (to wash) them in the morning, and then I (to hang) them out in the garden to dry.
Nola: Wonderful! So we (to leave) as soon as the results (to come out).

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