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Помгите даже если знаете только 1 задание In the UK police officers wear a white shirt, black trousers and a tie. In winter they also wear a jumper, and sometimes they wear a protective vest on top of that. This is the same for men and women.

They also wear boots and a hat. The hats and the ties are different for men and women. Men wear a peaked cap. The women wear a round hat.

Men wear a long, straight black tie and women wear a wide, black and white - checked tie.

Policemen who are not on foot patrol wear the traditional police helmet. In cold weather and on motorbikes, they also wear a yellow reflective waterproof jacket.

Police uniforms also have a name badge that gives the name and rank of the wearer.

1. What colour is the police uniform in the UK?

2. How are the hats different for men and women?

3. What sort of tie do UK policemen wear?

4. What extra clothes do they wear in the winter?

5. What is different about the uniform for police on motorbikes?

Task 2: Vocabulary

Fill in: * generous * bossy * kind * polite * selfish * popular * clever

There are two extra words. Вставь слова в предложения. Два слова лишних.

6) Aidar is very……….. He likes telling people what to do.

7) My uncle always buys me presents. He's ……….. .

8) Kris is good at all subjects. She is…………. .

9) Pam never thinks of other people. She's very ………… .

10) Everyone at school likes Adam. He is………. .

Task 3: Grammar

Fill in: who, which, whose, where.

Вставь слова.

11. This is the boy………. father is a famous actor.

12. A kangaroo is an animal………. lives in Australia.

13. A zoo is a place ………. you can see wild animals.

14. She is the woman………… bought our flat.

15. Physics is the subject ……….. Mr. Harris teaches.

16. My teacher, is from the USA, is very polite and friendly.

17. New York is the city………. he grew up.

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

18) A: Would you like (go) to the beach tomorrow?

19) B: No, thanks. I don't really like (sunbathe)!

20) A: Sarah might (be) late.

21) B: That's OK. I can (wait) for her.

22) A: I'd love (see) the new Star Wars film.

23) B: I don't mind (watch) science fiction films.

24) Do you want (come) to the theatre with me?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1  mom 2  dad 3  grandma 4  grandpa 5 daughter     6 son

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