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, у кого уже был Progress test 4 , с четвертым заданием Choose the correct item .
2 We the windows and the car all
Saturday morning.
a) were cleaning
b) cleaned
c) had cleaned
3 I in York in 1998.
a) had worked
b) was working
c) worked
4 I you in your office with a girl!-Really? We
a) saw-had just talked
b) had seen - just talked
c) saw - were just talking
5 As he a bike, a dog him .
a) was riding -bit
b) rode - bit
c) was riding - has bitten
6 When the dog him, he his bike.
a) was biting - fell off
b) bit-was falling off
c) bit - fell off
7 I didn't notice that you
a) had come
b) came
c) were coming
8 They a hotel in York, but then they it.
a) had bought- sold
b) bought-have sold
c) bought - sold
9 She couldn't play yesterday because she her ankle the day before.
a) was spraining
b) sprained
c) had sprained
10 The sun and we on the white sand.
a) shone - were lying
b) was shining-were lying
c) shined - lay
11 She's hurt her arm. - When it?
a) has she hurt
b) has she hurted
c) did she hurt
12 At 9.30 I a documentary on TV. It at 9.20.
a) was watching - had started
b) watched - has started
c) watched - started

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Ответы на вопрос:

4 I had seen We just talked

Iwould like to attend his lectures.  first of all i need your advice.  besides maths i like english.  more than that i am fond of biology.  the only thing i don't like is p.e. i wouldn't like to enter medical university. i think chemistry is not necessary.  besides i don't want to study physics.  but there are some good points in choosing this university.

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