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Task 1. Read the definitions below. Find the proper word in the text and insert it into the table. Look up the words in the dictionary and check the answers. Example: 0.The place where learners study. The school Hi! I'm Jeannie and I'm 13 years old. I go to school in our town. At school we always wear a uniform. Girls wear white shirts, blue skirts and red sweaters with the school emblem. Boys wear white shirts with blue ties and blue trousers. Their sweaters are red, too. All of our shoes are black. We don't like our school uniform. After school my first thing to do is putting off my uniform. I hate skirts and dresses! I like wearing casual clothes. I often go skateboarding, so my favourite pieces of clothes are very comfortable. I like trousers, jeans, shorts, T-shirts, jackets, trainers and I have lots of baseball caps. I never wear dresses and skirts when I'm not at school. Mum says that I should wear girlish clothes, but they are uncomfortable for me! 1. Remaining the all times: unchanging in form or character. same in all cases and at​

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The pilot had finished his flight by 3 p.m yesterday. здесь все просто. во первых, есть слово вчера  (yesterday), значит действие 100% происходит в прошлом. во вторых, тут есть подсказка, которая в любом случае. это слово by (к). если есть этот предлог, то ставится past perfect. в этом времени предложение строится так: например, я завершила свою работу к 7 вечера. i had finished (3 форма глагола)  my homework by 7p.m. я не мастер объяснять, но надеюсь хоть немного : ) если ещё есть вопросы, можете спросить: )

Популярно: Английский язык