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Доповніть переказ висловленням власного ставлення до творчос- ті Володимира Івасюка, роздумами про її значення для української
культури, а також про вплив його музики на розвиток української
естради. Назвіть зірок української естради, відкритих фестивалем
«Червона рута».​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. it is a person who helps you   in choosing meal in a restoraunt and brings it to you 2. it is a place where you can buy the greatest sources of information. some of the things that are sold in there were created even several centures ago. the smell in this place is just marvelous! 3. this thing can be small or big, thick or thin. it is usually made of paper, but nowadays there are electronic versions of this thing, so you can easily find it on the internet. using this object you can find some new words in different languages. 4. this thing will cover you with itself from a rain, hail or even sun.  5. it is a person who writes various articles and books, interviews other people, mostly celebrities

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