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Write questions to the following answers. 1) The book was written by Agatha Christie,
2) It was written at the end of the 18th century,
3) It's a detective story.
4) The plot is thrilling and unpredictable,
Transform the sentences into the Passive Voice.
1) Alex learned a poem,
2) Students handed in their reports at the end of the lesson.
3) Maria feeds a cat.
4) Julia bought a cat.
5) Steven left a book.
6) The play handball at this sports ground.
7) He borrowed this book from the library,
8) Peter gave these photographs two days ago.
Complete the sentences with the or -- (no article).
1) Highlands in northern Scotland is a region of mountain ranges, deep valleys and
beautiful lakes.
2) Ben Nevis - highest peak in Great Britain - rises in Highlands.
3) When we were in London, we stayed in Plaza Hotel
4) Americans call Mississippi river "the Father of Waters”.
5) There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in Piccadilly Circus.
6) The waters of North Sea and English Channel separate Great Britain from Europe.
7) Yonge Street in Canada is the longest street in the world.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. ответом на первый вопрос будет первое предложение текста. (переписывать долго)

2. ответ- второе предложение текста

3. я думаю, что основные компоненты написаны ниже в таблице в левом столбце

4. I have a laptop at home. (laptop это ноутбук) или можешь написать I have a dasktop computer (это стационарный, т. е. обычный клмп)

5.I use my computer for study, to play games, to listen to music

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