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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and
five words. Do not change the word given.

0. Reports say that the plane has landed safely. (IS)
It is reported that the plane has landed safely.

1. They say the country is on the verge of civil war. (SAID)
The country on the verge of civil war.

2. People thought that the President was ill. (BE)
The President ill.

3. The architect received $50,000 for his work. (WAS)
$50,000 the architect for his work.

4. People believe that he escaped. (HAVE)
He escaped.

5. They thought that he was the best actor for the part. (CONSIDERED)
He the best actor for the part.

6. People thought she was very good at maths, but she failed her last
test. (SUPPOSED)
She very good at maths, but she failed her last test.

7. They decided to discuss the matter at the next meeting. (AGREED)
It the matter would be discussed at the next meeting.

8. They showed the new science lab to the students. (WERE)
The the new science lab.

9. Everything I know about art, I learnt from Mrs. Robinson. (TAUGHT)
I about art by Mrs. Robinson.

10. They use a digital camera to take these photos. (WITH)
These a digital camera.

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Ответы на вопрос:

St. petersburg is often called russian capital of culture, northern venice. it is the second largest city in russia. few world cities can boast of so many sights, museums, opera houses and drama theatres, tofts and palaces, parks and monuments. санкт-петербург часто называют российской культурной столицей, северной венецией. это второй по величине город в россии. немногие города мира могут похвастаться таким количеством достопримечательностей, музеев, оперных и драматических театров, усадьб и дворцов, парков и памятников. st. petersburg is also the city of bridges. 68 rivers, channels and lades cross the city in different directions forming 42 islands on its territory. now there are 580 bridges including 20 drawbridges in st. petersburg and its suburbs. санкт-петербург – это город мостов. 68 рек, каналов и протоков пересекают город в разных направлениях, образуя 42 острова на своей территории. в настоящее время существует 580 мостов, включая 20 разводных в санкт-петербурге и его пригородах. without the slightest doubt, “white nights” are the most popular time for tourists to visit st. petersburg. a lot of festivals and excursions are conducted in the city through this period. без малейшего сомнения, «белые ночи» самое популярное время для посещения туристами санкт-петербурга. в это время в городе проводится множество фестивалей и экскурсий.

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