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Выберите правильное предложение: It was rained yesterday when I left the office.
It had raining yesterday when I left the office.
It was raining yesterday when I left the office.
When she entering the room, I was writing an essay.
When she was entering the room, I had writing an essay.
When she entered the room, I was writing an essay.
I was reading an article, while my wife was watching a movie in English.
I was read an article, while my wife was watching a movie in English.
I was being reading an article, while my wife watched a movie in English.
– Were she cleaning her room the whole evening? – No, she wasn't.
– Was she cleaning her room the whole evening? – Yes, she was.
– She was cleaning her room the whole evening? – No, she wasn't.
– Were the children dancing at that moment? – Yes, they were.
– Were the children being dancing at that moment? – Yes, they were.
– Was the children dancing at that moment? – Yes, they were.
– Kate and her father were walking in the park? – No, they wasn't.
– Was Kate and her father walking in the park? – No, they weren't.
– Were Kate and her father walking in the park? – No, they weren't.
What were your friend doing yesterday at 5 p.m.?
What was your friend doing yesterday at 5 p.m.?
What your friend was doing yesterday at 5 p.m.?
What were you doing at 9 o'clock last night?
What you were doing at 9 o'clock last night?
What was you doing at 9 o'clock last night?
They was not having dinner when I arrived.
They were not having dinner when I arrived.
They were not having dinner when I was arrived.
This time last year I wasn't working in China.
This time last year I weren't working in China.
This time last year I wasn't worked in China.

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Ответы на вопрос:

im sommer bin ich ins sommerlager gefahren. ich bin mit meiner freundin ins lager gefahren. aber ich habe auch viele neue interessante leute kennengelernt. sehr oft haben wir volleyball auf dem sportplatz gespielt. abends sind wir in die disko gegangen. wir sind   auch in den wald gegangen, haben gezeltet und das feuer gemacht.   ich habe die zeit im lager sehr gut verbracht.

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