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. Тестовые задания промежуточной аттестации 7 класс 1.Выбери глагол в нужной форме
Her car down yesterday.
⦁ Break broke * broken
2.Every day the boss the office at nine o`clock.
⦁ Entered *enters c. will enter
3.What she watching at the moment?
⦁ Is does do
4.Look at these children. They very well.
⦁ Skates b. are skating c. skated
5.They to the news when the telephone rang.
⦁ Listened b. were listening c. listen
6.Where your mother go tomorrow?
⦁ Does b. will c. has
7.I been to Moscow since last year.
⦁ Haven`t been b. wasn`t c. didn`t
8.We just about it.
⦁ Have/talked b. has /talk c. have / talking
9.She always nice clothes for work.
⦁ Wear b. is wearing c. wears
10.Her car broke while she home yesterday.
⦁ Was driving b. drives c. drive
11.If my father returns early, we TV together.
⦁ Watch b. will watch c. whatched
12.If you busy , I will leave you alone.
⦁ Will be b. are c. be
13.When I in Moscow, I will visit the Tretyakov Art Gallery every month.
⦁ Live b. will live c. lives
14.My father tell me stories when I was young.
⦁ Used to b. use to c. used of
15.He wake up yearly in the morning.
a. didn`t used to b. didn`t use to don`t used to
16. Выбери нужный предлог
The policeman is running a robber.
⦁ After b. of c. to
17.We ran milk.
⦁ After b. out of c. for
18.Don`t give even if you fail your exams.
a. up b. Out c. back
19.He was famous his music.
a. up b. Back c. On
20.This sweater goes your trousers.
a. off b. with c. on
21.Go . I`m listening to you.
a. with b. on c. off
22.We must use those eggs before they go .
a. with b. off c. on
23.She looks her mother when she`s ill.
a. up b. for c.after
24.Look ___ the word in your dictionary.
a. up b. for c. after

25. Tom is looking to his holiday.
a. up b. forward c. after
26. The film is coming next week.
a. out b. out c. round
27. He came to the country a month ago.
a. out b. out c. back
28. Turn the lights when you leave, please.
a. on b. off c. into
29. Fiona turn an ogre at night.
a. on b. off c. into
30. Выбери правильный перевод слова «convenient»
a. общественный b. Удобный с. Трудный
31. Выбери правильный перевод слова «unemployment»
a. общественность b. безработица c. Красота
32. Выбери правильный перевод слова «advertisement»
a. объявление b. безработица c. Новости
33. Выбери правильный перевод слова «сахарная вата»
a. candy floss b. sweet ball c. candy fox
34. Дополни предложение
A story is about events that take place in the future or in space.
⦁ Myth b. mystery c. science fiction
35.Robert enjoys parties. He is very .
⦁ Patient b. sociable c. active
36.John doesn`t get upset easily. He is .
⦁ Patient b. active c. sociable
37. Выбери правильно составленное словосочетание
a. celebrity gossip b. beauty gossip c. weather gossip
38. Выбери правильно составленное словосочетание
a. cartoon strips b. cartoon gossip c. weather strips
39. Выбери правильно составленное словосочетание
a. surf the Net b. store the Net c. surf music files
40.Выбери лишнее слово
a. slim b. plump c. freckles
41. Выбери лишнее слово
a. spiky b. wavy c. middle-aged
42. Дополни предложение
We got scared in the mansion.
⦁ Jungle b. haunted c. obey
43. Выбери нужную форму прилагательного
Barcelona is than London.
⦁ sunniest b. sunnier c. the most sunnier
44. She is girl in the class.
a. the beautifulest b. the most beautiful c. more beautiful
45. Nick runs than Mike.
a. more faster b. fastest c. faster
46. That`s film I have ever seen.
a. the badest b. the worst c. the most badest
47. She is than her friend.
a. more intelligent b. intelligenter c. the most intelligent
48. Дополни предложение
I met David five years .
⦁ for b. ago c. since
49.He has been famous over fifty years.
a. for b. ago c. since
50. I`ve been a fan of Jude Law 2001.
a. for b. ago c. since

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  england is part of the unitedkingdom. 2. the  bahamas are in the  atlatic ocean, not far from  the usa. 3. the vienna is on river danube, which flows through a lot of   eastern europe. 4. mount fuji is the most famous mountain in japan. 5. the jersey is the biggest of the channel islands. they are in the english channel, between britain and france. 6. lake  garda is  the north of  italy, near the alps. 7. when we visited the netherlands, we stayed in amsterdam and then in the hague. 8. are the canary islands popular with tourists from britain? 9. her ambition is to climb ben nevis in the grampian mountains.  3. put the verbs in  brackets  in  to  the  correct  future  form. 1. a: do  you  want to  come  over to my  house  next  wednesday? b: i`m  sorry i can`t. i will be studying  for  my  english  test. 2. a: have i got time to go to the  airport  bookshop? b: oh  yes! ourplane won't take off  for  another  hour. 3. a: what  would  you  like? b: i will have  some  of  those  little  sausages, please. 4. a: janet  isn`t  running  as  well  as  she  usually  does. b: no. she won't win  the  race. 5. a: bill  and tina are  really  in  love, aren`t  they? b: yes. they will get  married. i`m  sure  of it.

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