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Выберите правильный вариант в Present Perfect. Our neighbour us the truth. * has / told
have / tell
have / sent

Модальный глагол must не имеет формы ? *
настоящего и будущего
и будущего
и настоящего

Модальный глагол must употребляется если *
говорим об умении
при рекомендации
должен, обязан

Вставьте подходящий глагол по смыслу. Our parents say that my sister must her friend. *
to know
to leave
to go

Вставьте подходящий глагол по смыслу. My brother must his mistakes. *
to correct
to help
to do

Модальный глагол have/ has имеет формы ? *
только в будущем времени
в будущем и
во всех временах

Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола have to / has to . This game is very interesting. Your children … play. *
have to
has to

Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола have to / has to . Haven’t you seen this cartoon yet? You … watch it. *
have to
has to

Модальный глагол Have to употребляется если *
нужно, вынужден
можно, возможно

Выберите правильное время: Present Simple или Present Continuous. It is 8 o’clock now. Mother breakfast. *
is cooking

Выберите правильное время: Present Simple или Present Continuous. We often TV. *
are watching

Заполните пропуски, используя doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t или am not. We … watching a television programme now. *
am not

Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. Выберите правильное время: Present Simple или Present Continuous. .… you learn new words in each lesson? *

Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. Выберите правильное время: Present Simple или Present Continuous. .… you learning the new words right now? *

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 has tell

ответ: while girls dream of being movie stars, guys dream of “real male professions” and here’s what i thought: my future profession - and i want to become a programmer - fully corresponds to this concept. while outstanding commanders are the first to rush into battle, scientists do not matter in which area, in my case, in the field of information technology, the first to rush into battle with ignorance and inability, the first to pave the way for new opportunities! being “at the forefront” of the technical development of mankind is a completely male ambition! but this is still a metaphor, my profession, in addition to beautiful words, attracts me entirely with real advantages.

sociologists and economists have long argued that an information society is replacing an industrial society. information is becoming the main resource. and that information needs to be organized, protected, managed by its circuit. many have personal computers, perhaps even most. and they become really necessary and irreplaceable: electronic correspondence, music and films, texts, books - all this moves from various devices into one universal device - into a computer. therefore, this profession seems to me very promising.

since i’ve already made some progress towards my future profession, i can confidently say that the concept of “programmer” or “specialist in information technology” is incredibly broad. this word is almost never used among specialists, but is used only to explain to the “uninitiated" that i am "somehow connected with computers" that is to say “i want to be a programmer” - to say nothing. of all the possible areas of activity, i am most interested in web design and programming - the creation of internet sites. the need for the profession is very high: the number of people, firms, organizations who want to "settle" in the web space is growing every day! my future profession combines all the qualities that are important to me: it is needed; she is both “accurate” and creative; it is certainly promising from a financial point of view (since it would be hypocrisy to say that money does not matter to me). and this profession also fully meets my gambling nature: you can either become a high-level professional, or you will remain one of the millions probably, in any profession, but here it all depends on you: on your own abilities, knowledge, aspiration. increase your level, perseverance and desire to become a winner, to become the best. and this is not enough in me! .

i have one more professional dream. i almost forgot to write about it! for a long time, artificial intelligence has been under development, and scientists have already made great progress on this path. perhaps for most people the phrase “artificial intelligence” is associated primarily with scary robots that have taken over the world, but i hasten to reassure everyone: these developments would incredibly help us in all areas - from medicine to consumer services! so this is another area in which i would very much like to realize myself. maybe i set forth my plans for the future professional life somehow messy, but in fact i quite clearly imagine how and what i will do. and most importantly - i have a goal and a desire to achieve it. isn't that the main thing?


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