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Charity is quite popular these days. People have become more open and kind. In general, charity means voluntarily giving help to those in need. Charitable giving can include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity mean giving basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc.

There are so many charities in today's world. They allow people to donate something directly, or online through websites. Charities include orphanages, food banks, religious institutions and hospitals for the poor. Donating things you no longer need is a form of charity. Not everyone is lucky enough to have many toys or warm clothes for the winter. Sometimes people just can't find a job to earn enough money. Others are sick, disabled or elderly and cannot do everything themselves. These are the cases where charity helps.

If everyone made charity a part of their lives and helped those in need, the world would be a better place to live in. Mother Teresa once said: "To truly do good, you have to be free of selfishness!" And it's true. Charity actions come in many different forms. If you have ever helped plant a vegetable garden or given your piggy bank with money to someone who needs it more, then you already know what charity is.

However, true charity does not only mean giving money and unnecessary things to other people. True charity begins with a kind word you say to someone on a bad day, with a sincere smile and love.

I have my gym class on Wednesdays.

I started work this morning at 8 am.

Are you going away at Easter?

Moira's birthday is on September, 24.

We're flying to Beijing on June 2nd.

Please visit me on Sunday.

My flight is on Monday.

Mary went on holiday on Monday.

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