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E.Complete with the Present Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets . Susan : Hey , Matt . Is everything ready for the camping trip ? . Matt: I think so (1)(you/find) the tent yet ? Susan: Of course, and I (2)(already/put) in the car. What about food ? (3)(you/go) to the supermarket yesterday?
Matt: Yes . I (4)(buy) cans of food, snacks and bottles of water .Oh , no !
Susan: What's wrong ?
Matt: We(5)(no prepare) a first-aid kit yet.
Susan: Don't worry about it. I (6)(visit) Claire last night and she (7)(give) me on.
Matt: Oh, good

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Ответы на вопрос:

The most important ingredient in chocolate is cacao.

Cacao beans usually grow in Southern America and Africa.

The first people who ate cacao beans were Aztecs.

Maya introduced cacao beans to the Aztecs.

Aztecs used cacao beans as a gift to the gods.

Maya gave cacao beans to Aztecs as a gift them to grow the trees.

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