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It is (1) to think that as recently as 1903, many of the world's
leading (2) were still absolutely certain that people would never fly. An
(3) US professor declared in that year that a flying machine was an
(4)__ because something which was (5)_ __ than the air itself could
not take off. But just a few weeks later, came the surprise (6) that two
brothers from Ohio named Wright had built just such a machine.
The media remained so (7) by their claims, however, that neither
reporters nor (8)_ were sent along to witness any of their test (9)
The brothers, somewhat discouraged, then offered their (10)_ to the
US army, who showed no interest. It was only when a French company began
to take them (11) that the brothers had the opportunity to prove the
experts wrong.
(9) FLY

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Ответы на вопрос:

я незнаю . пиши сам(а) а не чикаєш поки хтось напише

1 Когда ты встал? When did you get up?

2 Где ты встретил его первый раз? Where did you meet him for the first time?

3 Что именно тебе понравилось? What exactly did you like?

работу? How long time ago did you decided to change your job?

4 Как давно ты решил поменять работу? How long time ago did you decided to change your job?

5 Какого рода музыку ты обычно слушал? What kind of music did you usually listen to?

6 Почему ты не начал встречаться с ней? Why didn’t start dating with her?

7 Откуда он прибыл? Where did he come from?

8 Ты был один там? Were you alone there?

9 Как ты смог убедить его? How did you manage to persuade him?

10 Какая была их реакция? What was their reaction?

все просто

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