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Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Which two clubs meet the same day? 2. Which of the clubs has got the biggest number of places available? 3. Which of the clubs are good for Year 2 students? 4. Which of the clubs doesn't have the exact price for a session? 5. Which of the clubs demands special footwear? 6. Which of the clubs remind the participants of the special equipment needed? ​Очень нужно . ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

have we got any milk? - no, we haven't got any. but we have got some sour cream.

i've got some apples. -you are lucky - i have got no apples.

give me some juice, please. -here you are!

i haven't got any food. -i can give you some of my sandwiches.

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