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Task 2. Vocabulary Practice Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. 1. add sugar A. a very strong feeling of not liking something 2. Brazilian B. to put more sugar into something, like coffee or tea 3. caffeine C. most liked 4. favorite D. the area near your home 5. hate E. very likely; almost sure 6. neighborhood F. from Brazil 7. probably G. a thing in coffee or tea that makes you feel awake 8. taste H. how sweet, sour, bitter, or salty something is

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Маша! приглашаю тебя на мой день рождения 5 марта в 16: 30! тебя будут ждать вкусные угощения и веселые конкурсы! всего хорошего. вася крючкин

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