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4.Put the verbs in past simple, past continuous, past perfect. 1. When I ( read) a story, my son ( play).
2. He ( tell) that he never( be) in London before.
3. Mark ( get) up, ( have) breakfast and ( leave) the house.
4. The students ( write) the test by the time the teacher ( come).
5. What you ( do) at 5 yesterday? I ( watch) a film.
6. Mary (visit) London three times before she ( go) there again.
7. When John ( go) on a tour? He ( go) there in summer.
8. Mary ( look through) the newspaper when she ( find) an interesting article.​

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Перевести чтоли? тогда так : где мой носок,мой смешной красный носок

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