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A a) (11.42 1146 Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). 1 The majority of electricity in years to come will
be generated by
A offshore wind farms.
B power plants using renewable energy.
C burning fossil fuels.
D residential and commercial buildings.

2 Which does the writer NOT consider a challenge?
A Electricity must be stored away from where
it was generated.
B Renewable energy can't produce sufficient
C The amount of energy produced is changeable.
D Energy must be harvested from, as well as

delivered to, properties.

3 Pumped hydroelectric facilities

A are dependent on geography.
B are no longer in use.
C don't store energy effectively.
D are unreliable.

4 What is TRUE about lithium-ion batteries?

A They can store more energy than any other


B They are becoming less affordable.
C They can cope with varying input and output.
D They are very small.

5 What aspect of lithium-ion batteries is
A their incompatibility with pumped hydroelectric storage
B their inability to regulate energy input
C their high rates of energy waste
D their incapability to charge quickly

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mary eats soup every day. - present simple mary ate soup yesterday - past simple mary will eat soup tomorrow - future simple mary is eating soup now. - present progressive/continuous mary was eating soup at 5 o'clock yesterday - past progressive/continuous mary will be eating soup at 5 o'clock tomorrow. - future progressive/continuous mary has already eaten soup - present perfect mary had eaten soup by 5 o'clock yesterday - past perfect mary will have eaten soup by 5 o'clock tomorrow - future perfect mary has been eating soup since 2 o'clock - present perfect progressive/continuous mary had been eating soup for 10 minutes when her father came - past perfect progressive/continuous mary will have been eating soup for 20 min by the time her father comes - future perfect progressive/continuous

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