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There have been lots of stories in the press about young people in schools doing what they can to help other people their age around the world. Here's just a sample of what's been happening.
In one high school in the States, students have In another high school in Canada, after a visit
been putting in long hours on the school garden. from a charity worker telling the students about
They were each given some tiny vegetable plants how some children in Africa have to walk for
to take home and look after then plant out in
miles just to collect fresh water, the students
the school garden once they were big enough. decided they'd start a project to raise money
The result was a great harvest of cabbages. to build a well. So, they raised as much as they
carrots and potatoes - perfect for taking to
could by volunteering to do household chores in
homeless shelters where people can go and get their community. The money they collected was
a hot meal if they have nowhere to live. And as enough to bring clean water and sanitation to
the project developed, students made money one village in Uganda Since then, many adults
from selling vegetable seeds from the plants, in the area have joined the project, although
which was given to help a number of teenage most members are still school students.
charities in their area.
They now regularly send money to areas where
a lack of clean water could cause problems for
public health
Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?
0. At the high school in the States, the students got some small plants to look after.
1. The students grew vegetables only at home.
2. The students took the vegetables to homeless shelters.
3. The students raised some money to give to teenage charities.
4. Students in a Canadian school raised money by doing some building work.
5. There are now fewer school students than local adults taking part in the project.


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