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Раскройте скобки, вставьте глаголы в нужной форме. 1. If the government's policy (to be) proper, employment (to be) higher.
2. Russia (to improve) conditions of scientists' work, there (to be) great progress in science.
3. When the enterprise (to work) more profitably, it (to compete) with other enterprises more successfully.
4. When the factory (to produce) more goods, it (to require) more resources.
5. Before the manager (to make) a decision, he (to study) all the data.
6. If the price of the good (not to raise), the company (not to make) any profit.
7. If the economists (not to use) the new method of analysis, they (not to make) a correct model.
8. After the prices (to rise), the demand for these goods (to fall).

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1) which 2) that 3)who 4)which 5)who 6)which 7)that 8)which

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