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Choose the correct alternative in italics.
1. All I really need is a / 0 love, but a little / little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!
2. What else / other countries can teach us about healthy living?
3. My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make many / a lot of decisions.
4. 0 / the Selfridges is one of the world’s fi nest department stores; it dominates the / 0 west end of the / 0 Oxford Street.
5. The only way to succeed is long hard work and tons of patience as well as much / a great deal of experience.
6. I know quite a few / only a few people, but there are only three that I can trust and consider true friends.
7. 0 / the National Gallery houses one of the greatest collections of the / 0 European painting in the world.
8. How many / much more times do I have to tell you?
9. The / 0 Hilton Garden Inn hotel is located within reach of the / 0 JFK Airport.
10. Women tend to have much less / far fewer hostility toward minorities.
11. Unfortunately, nobody other / else shared my enthusiasm.
12. There are a great number of / a great deal of viruses that can damage Apple computers.
13. On 1 January 2007, the European Union welcomed another two countries / two countries else and increased its ranks to 27 member states.
14. There was few / little unity among the public at last night's demonstration in Madrid.
15. The / 0 Trafalgar Square contains a large number of / plenty of statues and two fountains by Sir Edwin Lutyens.
16. What country has more / the most population for its size?
17. Following the destruction of the / 0 World Trade Center in 2001, 0 / the Empire State Building became for the second time, the tallest building in 0 / the New York City.
18. Studies conducted in the European Union countries show that the / 0 students from the / 0 low income families have the least / less success in school.
19. There were only other / another few visitors apart from us when we arrived.
20. Do you think the United States is spending too much / many money, about the right amount, or too little / a little money to fight the war on 0/the terrorism?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihaven't got  1) many  lessons today. 'are you from poland? ' '  3) yes, i am.' who is that girl? why are you looking at  3) her? computers are expensive. they cost a lot of money.  henry goes to the university on foot. kelly doesn't go to bed  before 12 o'clock.how often do they go for a walk? billy 1)doesn't do his job very well. - если говорить , что он вообще не исполняет свою работу хорошо. у вас скорее всего будет правильным именно этот вариант. (billy isn't doing his job very well. - если говорить, что он именно  сейчас не выполняет свою работу хорошо. ) he never 1)thinks about his homework. who will be at the office tomorrow morning?

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