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She … from the USA. 2. Choose Somebody at the door. 3. : I… at the 8th Form eight years ago. 4. I left college three years . 5. What___ they ___ about when I came in? 6. He… when I saw him. 7. When I looked round the door, the baby… quietly. 8. form of the verb in brackets. We (live) here since 2010. 9. : Chopin and Mozart famous composers. 10. Jane, your mother born in India? 11. Joan of Arc English. She was French. 12. He work yesterday. He was ill: 13. : They tennis yesterday. 14. I last night. 15. : A: What on Friday night? B: I went out with my friends. 16. Did you a good time? 17. : I my boyfriend yesterday. He was in London.

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Ответы на вопрос:

"they will not have to translate this text into english", "you don't need to help me" "he's going to go to england" "he had a lot of to work to earn money" "she has a sore tooth. she would have to go to the dentist.she should eat less sweets", "you should not smoke"

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