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Find and correct any errors in these conditional sentences about Chinese tourism. Not all sentences contain an error. 1 If more Chinese people travel abroad, China becomes a major player in world tourism.
2 If the number of Chinese tourists travelling outside Asia grows, countries like France and Germany will continue to be popular destinations.
3 If Asian economies will continue to do well, Asian consumers will get richer.
4 The Chinese will be welcome guests if they spend most of their travel budget on shopping.
5 Group tours are probably less popular than individual travel when Asian tourists become more demanding.
6 When Chinese tourists become less interested in sight-seeing, they won't spend more on entertainment and relaxation.
7 Travel companies won't have to translate their websites into Chinese when the Chinese travel market changes.
8 If more Chinese people go abroad, they'll probably want more services like slippers in guest rooms, Chincre sneaking staff in museums.

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Для начала я расскажу тебе что это за время future simple. future simple tense –  это временная форма языка, которая выражает однократные, повторяющиеся или постоянные действия и состояния, которые будут иметь место в будущем.ну а дальше все легко и знать образование и уметь отличать от других времен.теперь образование future simple tense утвердительная форма- іменник + shall або will + дієслово(перша форма) заперечна форма-і менник + shall / will + not + дієсловопитальна форма- shall / will + іменник + дієслово? ну надеюсь я понятно обьяснила теперь перейдем к : 1)they  will come  at 8 o'clock 2)you will call me next month.3) i will use  he money wisely.4)we will  return    as soon as possible.5) it    will rain  tomorrow6)ralf    will pay    for it.7)amanda  will win  this game8)maybe we  will stay  at home9)they    will bake  some cakes10) i  will take  you with me next month

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