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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Are you like coke?

2. Do you do evening exsersize all day?

3. Are you ready to go school?

4. Are you play phone games?


изи вопросы

1) how many subjects is sam studying at school? 2) i have english classes every other day: on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. 3) it is almost impossible to find a good educational computer program. 4)  you will have to do the course again because your work has been unsatisfactory. 5) andy was expelled from school because of his bad behaviour. 6) i'm not sure why he didn't go to the college, but i suspect he failed the entrance test. 7) the study of history can be very interesting. 8) you can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by practicing it. 9) billy is a most capable young man; he can do a lot of different jobs well. 10) we can't teach him anything because he already knows his subject inside out. 11) you completely misunderstood my instructions; you got hold of the wrong end of the rope. 12) after the serious talk with his tutor, hilary applied himself more conscientiously to his studies. 13) my english teacher encouraged me to try for a place in the english department at jagiellonian university.

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