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FORM: was/were + present participle (-ing) mum
Ex1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple Continuous of the verbs in brackets:
1. Bob
(jog) while it
23. Mona
(work) all day
on her essay.
2. Sue
(not/ study)
24. Pani
(try) to fix her hair
all night.
when she saw Simon!
25. We
(feel) very sick
3. Peter
(draw) for hours.
when went on the fun ride!
4. Mr. Wilson
(shave) when
26. Tom
he heard a knock on the door.
(mean) to call you but I
5. The children
(sleep) while their
(bake) a cake.
28. It just
(begin) to snow
6. Sandra
(write) a letter to
when they decided to leave.
29. Sally
(help) her little sister with
Tom when I called her.
her homework, while her mum
7. Dorothy
(look) out of the
(give) the baby a warm bath.
window while Mark
30.1_ Just
show) Sally how to
8. He
(joke) all the time.
play billiard!
9. Judy
(play) computer games
31. The children
(play) outside while
while her dad
their parents
move) some
10. Jane
(brush) her hair for an hour!
32. The students
(write) an essay
11. Tina
(prepare) dinner while
when the earthquake happened!
(clean) the house!
33. She
(sit) around all
17 TL...

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.professor smith should write the book. - the book should be written by professor smith.2.they canceled the match because of the rain. - the match was cancelled by them , because of the rain.3.they are going to finish the new road in a few days . - the new road is going to be finished by them in a few days.4. archaeologists have discovered an ancient temple. - an ancient temple has been discovered by archaeologists.5.you must not cross this line.   - this line mustn't be crossed by you.6.they had picked the oranges before the storm. - the oranges had been picked by them before the storm.7.mr eliot will pay the workers. - the workers will be paid by mr.eliot.

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