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Listening Task 1. Listen to the conversation and UNJUMBLE the words. Go to the following link to listen to the information: https://listenaminute.com/h/healthcare.html Every country 1-healthcare provide to free must its citizens. I can’t understand why the richest countries in the world don’t do this. 2- a that shocking It’s can country be so rich and let its people die because they cannot pay the the hospital. I saw a great movie once on America’s healthcare system. It’s called “Sicko,” directed by Michael Moore. He went to England and France and was amazed that 3- have people in those countries didn’t to pay when they went to hospital. He then went to Cuba. He went with lots of 4-healthcare couldn’t Americans afford who in America. Amazingly,
5-all them treated hospitals Cuban the for free and gave them medicine. They were so happy. 6- I’m enough sure money there’s
in the world to provide everyone with free healthcare.

Writing Look at the pictures and write is it healthy or unhealthy habits. Write Why it’s healthy\unhealthy?
You can use following phrases:
to take in more vitamins and minerals keeps you feeling full and energized;
protects us from strokes and heart diseases, flue and obesity;
to keep our body fit;
avoid getting nervous or worried for no reason;
to make healthier decisions,
shortens our life;
serious illnesses and even death from lung cancer or liver diseases;
helps control weight, maintain healthy bones, muscles;

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