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1)Dave all the Harry Potter books. read
has read
2)I a flat with my friends if I with my parents.
would rent; didn’t live
rented; lived
3)If I for longer, I more energy.
slept; would have
sleeped; had
4)I fitter if I more sport.
were; would do
would be; did
5)Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

People often give leather items as a third wedding anniversary present.
Leather items…..

will be given as a third wedding anniversary present
are often given as a third wedding anniversary present

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)Dave has read all the Harry Potter books.

2)I would rent a flat with my friends if I didn’t live with my parents.

3)If I slept for longer, I would have more energy.

4)I would be fitter if I did more sport.

5) Leather items are often given as a third wedding anniversary present.

Взрослому человеку легче заводить друзей потаму что он уже взрослый у него есть круг общения и ему легче заводить знакомства,тоесть знакомился он гараздо чаще чем ребёнок потамучто ему много лет и он долго прожил.

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