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"PASSIVE VOICE" 1. Someone ought to wash those dishes right now.
2. People drink a great deal of tea in England.
3. Someone will drive you to the airport.
4. The Egyptians built pyramids.
5. They have sold their car to pay the debts.
6. They have proved that there is no life on the Moon.
7. A guide will show the tourists most of the sights of London.
8. I can’t play, they are repairing my piano at the moment.
9. The earthquake destroyed the town, it is in ruins.
10.The audience was listening to him with great attention because he was a brilliant speaker.
11.They look after this little boy well, he is never dirty.
12.They are performing a ballet at the concert hall this evening.
13.Thousands of people had visited the gallery before.
14.Does Lady Gaga design the costumes?
15.Wealthy people all over the world bought his paintings.
16.They were choosing the photo for the front cover of the magazine.
17.Students mustn’t take books out of the library.
18.Medical advances have greatly reduced the number of deaths.
19.We are going to invite Dr Livingstone to participate in the project.
20.When did they find the missing child?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. susana has lived in germany for three month when she started going out with reiner. at that time he has trained to be a teacher and she met him at a college disco. 2. when i have heard  about the motorway accident on the radio, i immediately phoned my son to check that he has got back safely. he has told me he was taking a different route home. 3. we have watched a particulary romantic scene of a film at the cinema when my boyfriend's mobile phone gone off. he forgot to switch it off. 4. by the time we have  got to the party they ate all the food. in fact, it was so late that most of the guests  have already left and only two or three people were  still dancing.

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