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, решить тест по английскому! Fill the gaps with the correct word.

1.      We use ___ you to fasten our shoes.

2.      When water  it turns to ice.

3.      I often use  to make notes.

4.      Alexander Fleming found the first , penicillin.

5.      Today,  are used to detect everything from deadly tumors to biological agents.

6.      Kids everywhere enjoy playing with , metal toys.

7.       is the world’s first synthetic dye.

8.      Dupont patented  the coating for pans that keeps food from sticking.

9.       needs fresh water.

10.  Vulcanized rubber is  to heat and cold.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Adoctor b rielter c mother d administrator e nurse f lowyer g journalist h miner

Популярно: Английский язык