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Task 1. Відкрийте скобки, та запишіть речення у Present Simple.
У Present Simple дієслова мають два закінчення: нульове та S. Для того, щоб правильно обрати закінчення, вирішіть яка особа (або предмет) діє у цьому реченні: я, ти, ми, вони, він, вона чи воно.

Masha … (to like) to watch shows on TV.
We … (to gather) (збираємо) berries in the wood in summer.
Mike … (to water) the flowers three times a week.
He usually … (to drink) tea in the morning.
I … (to prefer) (віддаю перевагу) to stay at home in the evening.
Rita never … (to wear) a scarf in winter.
Fred … (to spend) winter holidays in the mountains.
They sometimes … (to go) to the theatre.
Susan usually … (to read) a book on Wednesday.
It often … (to rain) in autumn.

Task 2. Відкрийте скобки, та запишіть речення у Past Simple
У Past Simple дієслова мають особливі правила: щоб правильно написати речення, вам треба скористатися таблицею неправильних дієслів (пригадайте, якою колонкою ми користуємось у цьому часі). Якщо цього слова немає у таблиці, ви додаєте до нього закінчення ED.

They … (to be) at the exhibition (виставка) last Friday.
We … (to see) strange object in the sky.
The baby … (to be) scared by a big dog.
You … (to write) a wonderful essay.
Bob … (to put) the money into his pocket.
I … (to give) him this book last week.
They … (to walk) slowly along the street.
The children … (to play) in the swimming pool.
His sister … (to make) a model ship two days ago.
She … (to buy) tomatoes in the supermarket.


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Ответы на вопрос:

Masha  likes to watch shows on TV.

We  gather berries in the wood in summer.

Mike  waters the flowers three times a week.

He usually  drinks tea in the morning.

I  prefer  to stay at home in the evening.

Rita never  wears a scarf in winter.

Fred spends winter holidays in the mountains.

They sometimes  go to the theatre.

Susan usually  reads a book on Wednesday.

It often  rains in autumn.

Task 2. Відкрийте скобки, та запишіть речення у Past Simple

They were at the exhibition last Friday.

We  saw strange object in the sky.

The baby was scared by a big dog.

You  wrote a wonderful essay.

Bob  put the money into his pocket.

I  gave him this book last week.

They  walked slowly along the street.

The children  played in the swimming pool.

His sister  made  a model ship two days ago.

She bought tomatoes in the supermarket.


their families going to the cuckside a month ago

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